Creating Fair & Equitable Supply Chains

A working paper from our Farming Leadership Group Symposium #2

15th February 2024

This is the second working paper to come out of a series of cross-cutting symposia to explore how to tackle the challenges blocking the transition to more agroecological ways of working. The second symposium in June 2023 explored what's needed to better distribute risks and profits equally across the supply chain, and the key messages, headlines and three case studies from the day are detailed here.

There are several key takeaways:

For Farmers:

  • Collaborative cooperative working is key, with differentiated, distinctive products to lift farmers out of the commodity market. Support is needed for innovation, marketing and environmental benefits.

For Government:

  • A better, clearer regulatory framework based on cross-departmental policy making is needed, alongside robust trade deals that apply standards equally to all. More local procurement and market regulation which includes true environmental and health costs will benefit the sector.

For Processors, Retailers and Food Businesses:

  • Transparency throughout the supply chain will reconfigure the economics of the businesses and attract ESG investors. Integrity in contracting and paying farmers is the foundation of farmers receiving a return for all the different outputs they produce.

For Citizens and Consumers:

  • Consumers must be able to afford quality food and must be confident in its health and nutrition standards. It is for government to implement economic and social policies that ensure everyone can afford food produced to these standards.

The third symposium “From Food Security to Food Resilience” is scheduled for March 2024.