So, what do we really want from food?

Latest findings from #TheFoodConversation

Citizens and community groups can now host their own Food Conversation through a free, online toolkit.
Why now?

Of all the elements of our economy, one of the things we cannot manage without is food. It is a basic human need, at the centre of some of the biggest challenges we face.

Yet, governments have struggled to grasp the nettle on food system policies.

In this country, attempts to change anything about the system have floundered in the face of disagreement about what people really want from food.

So, what do people really think about food?

The Food Conversation aims to change this and provide a well evidenced view of what citizens really think about food – exploring how citizens understand the complexities of the issue and the necessity for trade-offs.

Background to the project so far

Now regularly cited in media and parliamentary debate, The Food Conversation is providing evidence of citizens’ dissatisfaction with the way food works in the UK. Further workshops with citizens – unprecedented in scale – are underway throughout 2024, across the UK, to understand better the kinds of changes citizens are looking for from business, government and civil society. Throughout the project we will be involving local leaders, national politicians, food businesses and more. We are also building partnerships with organisations who can help extend the reach and scale of the project.

Hear from citizens themselves

In our most recent film, citizens from all four UK nations tell us more about why food is important to them – and what they want from politicians when it comes to food. Watch below.

Food is not working for everyday people

“The majority of people are trying to eat food that is healthier and more sustainable, but the odds are stacked against them. We need to bring this system in order, to ensure there is fairness from farm to fork.”

Yasmeen, Glasgow

So far, people are telling us they want

A healthier, greener food environment, including restrictions on junk food advertising, higher standard for catering in spaces like schools and hospitals, and tighter controls on the availability and marketing of ultra-processed food.

Support from government to help farmers farm more sustainably, going beyond existing policies with more investments and incentives to do the right things

Taxes and regulations to hold big food businesses to account, such as adopting the polluter pays principle for environmental harm and to reduce production of unhealthy foods

Practical help for citizens to eat more healthily and sustainably, for example by redistributing revenues from taxes/fines on food companies so those on low incomes can afford healthy and sustainable food; better information campaigns about the impacts of the food system; and better labelling.

Visible leadership from politicians and business leaders when it comes to food, and a plan of action that brings together the different parts of government, building on the National Food Strategy.

More government intervention

“Government isn't going to have all the answers, but they should bring all the different challenges into focus as a vision for the country, because it's our health and it's our life that it's impacting. ”

Sophie, Manchester

How the public dialogues work

The Food Conversation is designed to be easy to understand and engaging, so that everyone – no matter what their background or interest – can participate. It is also methodologically robust, enabling in-depth conversation and deliberation (similar to approaches developed for citizen assemblies).

Workshops with citizens are taking place across the UK to understand better the kinds of changes citizens are looking for from business, government and civil society. Throughout the project we are involving local leaders, national politicians, food businesses and more. We are also building partnerships with organisations who can help extend the reach and scale of the project. Initially reaching 300+ citizens through the workshops, ultimately the project will involve thousands of people through national polling and work with local partners, membership organisations and more. Its now also possible to run your own food conversation (see link at the top of the page). There's more detail about exactly how the workshops operate at The Food Conversation.

We're hearing from citizens across the UK

“If everyone in the country had the same level of awareness that we do now, I think there would be a huge demand for change from the country as a whole.”

Natalie, Sheffield


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