Below you can find our latest learning papers, as well as some more practical ideas about implementation and stories from across UK nations of local leaders and communities and the land use challenges they face.
These four practitioner learning papers set out the core findings from our pilot testing of the Multifunctional Land Use Framework (MLUF) process in Devon and Cambridgeshire. The three papers on Data & Evidence, Leadership Lessons and Scope & Scale share key themes and aspects that future policymakers should consider when implementing a MLUF – while the Case Studies Collection show everyday examples of existing activities that demonstrate components of a MLUF already in action. Together, they form a useful resource for policymakers, local decision makers and communities working to improve land use at national, county or local level.
Read the Data & Evidence Learning Paper
Read the Leadership Lessons Learning Paper
Read the Scope & Scale Learning Paper
Read the Case Study Collection
Our experience in Devon and Cambridgeshire led us to refine a six-step systems process for implementing a Multifunctional Land Use Framework: Establish, Scope, Create, Test, Learn and Adapt, Embed and Share.
As the six step systems process unfolds, it is important to check alignment with the six principles of the MLUF. Our report provides a draft template to help you do this.
We are brokering a community of practice for senior leaders thinking about improving the way land use decisions are made and who want to influence the development of a Multifunctional Land Use Framework.
Our experience tells us that this work can be complex and demanding, needing excellent systems leadership and facilitation skills. We are developing a pilot programme for a cadre of facilitators to help with the task.
Please get in touch to find out more.
In our 2019 report Our Future in the Land, FFCC proposed a Land Use Framework to help improve land use decision-making. Since then, we have produced stories, blogs, briefings, project updates and reports setting out the case for a Land Use Framework with multifunctionality at its heart.
Browse this collection below.