MLUF Action Research: Data & Evidence

Core data and evidence findings from our pilot testing of the Multifunctional Land Use Framework (MLUF).

6th March 2024

Data and evidence are at the heart of every Multifunctional Land Use Framework (MLUF) discussion, and adopting the MLUF approach can increase stakeholders’ understanding, integration and access to this data.

This practitioner learning paper sets out the core findings related to data and evidence from our pilot testing of the MLUF process in Devon, and in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority. The key themes from the paper indicate what future policymakers should consider when implementing a MLUF:

  • Land use decision makers would benefit from an accessible shared evidence base to help break down silos between policy sectors and encourage multifunctionality of land use.
  • Spatial data and land use modelling initiatives work better when there is greater integration.
  • Access to data can be a challenge and there is demand for better standards around data sharing and utilisation.
  • Wider utilisation of spatial data depends on designing a tool that makes it easy for non-experts to access, understand and manipulate that data.
  • Spatial data could be improved by devolving power to amend datasets to trusted actors at the county level

Explore our other MLUF learning papers on Leadership and Scope and Scale, and our Case Study Collection.