Out now: Annual Report 2022-2023

And an end of year message from our Chief Executive, Sue Pritchard.

14th December 2023

Sue Pritchard, Chief Executive of Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, writes...

Dear friends and colleagues,

This week, as 2023 draws to a close, we are formally publishing our Annual Report, covering the final year of our 2020 strategic plan.

It has been an extraordinary three years since FFCC was first established as an independent organisation. Marked at the start by COVID, and towards the end by economic uncertainty and war, our work is situated in the volatility, uncertainty and complexity of today’s world. But it is also a privilege to focus on issues that are at the heart of some of the biggest challenges facing the UK, and the world, today, and to be inspired by the pioneering determination of our partners and the communities with whom we work. We are also very grateful to our core funders who support our work, including Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, The Aurora Trust, Rothschilds, and the Prince of Wales Charitable Fund.

There is no plausible pathway to tackle the climate, nature and health crises without a rapid and just transition for food and farming. We look forward to the new year and further opportunity to work with partners to convene leadership in civil society, governments and businesses around food system transformation, backing bold and ambitious policies, and radical and practical actions in communities.

Wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas and we look forward to working with you in the New Year,

Sue Pritchard