"Agriculture has a major role to play."

FFCC Chief Executive Sue Pritchard responds to IPCC's climate report

By Madeleine Penkett

9th August 2021

“The science is clear – reducing emissions of short-lived but potent greenhouse gases such as methane is vital if we are to tackle climate change. Agriculture has a major role to play but we must stop obsessing over cows and start talking about the fundamental changes that we need to make to our whole food system.

Governments and global businesses need to lead a shift away from the heavily industrialised, commodified and wasteful food systems, which are damaging public health, decimating rural communities, and fuelling both the climate and nature crisis. They must invest in agroecological and regenerative approaches to food, farming and land use that cut emissions, protect nature, and support viable and diverse small and medium sized family farms.”

Sue Pritchard, farmer and Chief Executive, Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

FFCC's report Farming for Change shows that agroecology provides a fair and sustainable path to 2030, producing enough healthy food for a future UK population whilst acting on the climate crisis and making more land available for nature too.