"We all have a stake in food"

Our Chief Exec Sue Pritchard speaks to Duke University's Norbert Wilson on the 'The Leading Voices in Food' podcast.

18th February 2025

Our Chief Exec Sue Pritchard talks to Norbert Wilson, Professor of Food, Community & Economics at Duke University and Director of the World Food Policy Center, in 'The Leading Voices in Food' podcast.

Amongst other things, Sue shines a light on food and agriculture policy in the UK after leaving the EU, the critical role the rural economy can play in national prosperity and tackling the climate and nature crises, and our work talking to citizens and communities in our Land Use Framework pilots and The Food Conversation.

"Very often we end up talking about big, abstracted issues. Even climate and nature can feel big and abstracted. And the political economy of food, very abstracted. When you come back to it, we all have a stake in food. We all have skin in that game. If you frame the conversation in the right way, everybody can participate. And like many things in life, actually, we all want the same things. We want a safe, secure, healthy life. We want to be able to live in a safe, secure, healthy environment for ourselves and for our families, our children, our loved ones. And of course, food is the very thing that connects us."

Listen in full below.