The future is bright - and diverse

26th September 2022

26th - 2nd October marks this year's #NationalInclusionWeek. Back in 2020, in response to many events struggling to find diverse voices to talk about the future of farming, we decided to start a list. Two years on, it's time to update it.

During #NationalInclusionWeek 2020, we put together a list of over 150 diverse voices already contributing to conversations around the future of food, farming and the countryside. But much has changed over the past two years, and we know there are new, emerging voices in our field who deserve to be included.

Can you help us get to 200, or beyond?

This document is open access, in the hope that anyone organising events or conversations about these issues can use it, and add to it.

We want this list to be diverse in every sense. If anyone would like to work with us and help us learn, please get in touch at